Monday, April 7, 2008


Saturday was Jordans very first tackle football game. When he first started practicing he wasn't to sure about the tackling part ,but he was the one who wanted to do this, but over the last couple of weeks he has become more confident. He did really good blocking , but I forgot to take pictures of him actually playing , I got to into the game. Here are a couple pix of him before the game, he looks like a stud if I do say so myself!


We are all "SPECIAL" said...

Wow tuff guy Jords!!!
I totally agree...STUD!!! I can't believe your BABY is playing tackle football!!! YIKES!

valeri blair said...

Sorry I haven't been able to make to your games yet, but now I have my own car so I can come to the next one! I hear Jordan is real good at football!

Bailee Blair said...

jordan plays tackle!!! WOW he is one tuff guy luv ya guys