Another Angel has been sent to Heaven
I write this post with a heavy heart for my dear cousin Leanna. Her little 10 month old went back to our Heavenly Father on Saturday. I still don't know ALL the details, but I guess he pulled a t.v. off the dresser and it landed on his head and crushed his skull. They live in Heber and he was taken to the Show Low hospital. They were wanting to air-evac him down here, but were unable to get him stabilized enough to be able to do so. happening. I don't necessarily believe that this was just chance or accident. I do believe that Heavenly Father could have intervened at any time, but that it wasn't His will to do so. I am so grateful to say that we do have the gospel and the knowledge of eternal families. With out this, all would be lost. I am so glad we were able to have our family reunion last weekend so we could see her and her family. All I can say is , Leanna and Mitchell, we love you and pray that peace and comfort from our dear Saviour may help you through this HUGE trial in your life.
OH! I am so sorry to hear that.
reading that makes me wanna cry!
that makes me wanna cry look at my blog!!!!!~!!!!!~!!!!~!!!!!
I was so excited because I just found out you had a blog only to find this sad post. It breaks my heart. I think because Gunner is 10 months and I don't know what I would do without any of my children. My heart goes out to your family!
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